Rules of Discipline
- Any student reaching school after the first bell will not be allowed to enter the school premises. At the first bell, all must take their allotted places in silence for the morning assembly. After the assembly they are expected to go in silence to their respective classes.
- A student coming late to school will not be admitted to class unless he/she brings a written excuse from home in LATE ATTENDANCE RECORD of the school diary.
- Student unable to rejoin classes after the holidays should take written permission from the Principal in advance. Defaulters in this regard may find their names struck off the rolls.
- No student is allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without the written permission of the Principal. No student will be allowed to go home during the class hours unless one of the parents or guardian comes with a written application to fetch him/her.
- Making unnecessary noise, running about, playing or shouting, yelling, howling, whistling etc. inside the school building is strictly forbidden.
- Any damage done to the school property will have to be repaired/paid for.
- Students should see that they do not throw pieces of paper, sweet wrappers etc. anywhere in the school premises. They should use the waste paper baskets and dustbins provided for this purpose. Eco observers appointed by the Principal will see that cleanliness is implemented.
- A student whose uniform or appearance is untidy may be refused admission to the class. If a student is not in school uniform, he/she shall get a letter from the parent/guardian and shall get a note from the teacher in charge, in the TEACHER’S REMARKS of school diary. This privilege should be availed only for unavoidable circumstances.
- Personal cleanliness and hygiene are expected from all. For this, students should possess more than one uniform.
- The student discipline incharge appointed should assume responsibility of general discipline during outdoor classroom activities.
- When the students have to move along the corridors, while the classes are in progress, they should do so in silence.
- No books, other than what is required for the classes or books from the library may be brought to school.
- The school is not responsible for the books, money, clothes etc. lost. The students should look after their own things. They are advised not to bring any valuable items to school.
- During the recess, the students are not allowed to enter the classrooms.
- Students are expected to take part in the co-curricular activities as and when they are asked to do so.
- Within the school premises the students are expected to speak only English. Language observers appointed by The Principal will see that this is implemented.
- Parents/guardians are expected to co-operate with the staff in enforcing regularity and discipline by seeing that their wards, prepare their lessons, do their home work as shown in diaries and by taking an active and helpful interest in the activities of the school.
- Parents/guardians are expected to sign the remarks sent to them through the school diary. Student will not be admitted to classes if such reports are not duly signed by their parents.
- Parents/guardians are allowed to meet the teachers on parent-teacher meeting day. They are not allowed to meet the students or interview the teachers during school hours or any other day without the written permission of the Principal.
- Parking facility is granted to the students who come to school on bicycle and powered vehicle, with valid driving license. A photocopy of the license should be given to the teacher incharge and the necessary passes are to be obtained from him/her.
- Students are not allowed to bring polythene bags inside the school premises.
- Nobody is allowed to bring or use mobile/cell phone, cameras or any other electronic gadgets in the school campus.
- On all class days, school functions and PTM days the children are expected to wear the uniform prescribed for the season.
- The children are strictly forbidden to purchase any food/eatables from unauthorised dealers near the school premises.
- Cardigans, books, tiffin boxes etc. should bear the name of the student. The school is not responsible for stationery, books etc. that get lost.
- The student should not wear ornaments or jewellery of any kind in the school.
- The school will not be responsible for providing conveyance facilities to students. Parents are requested to instruct their children not to go to the homes of friends and relatives without their permission.
- Change of residence should be notified to the school.
- Parents may engage the teachers of the institution for private tuition only after due permission is obtained from the Principal.No collection for any purpose whatsoever is to be done in the school and no meeting, demonstration, party or picnic may be held without the previous sanction of the Principal.
- No collection for any purpose whatsoever is to be done in the school and no meeting, demonstration, party or picnic may be held without the previous sanction of the Principal.
- Presents to the members of the staff or other demonstration in their honour require previous sanction of the Principal.
- Students are answerable to the school authorities for their misconduct both in and outside school. Hence misbehaviour in public streets and conveyances justifies dismissal. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct is liable to disciplinary action.
- Parents and guardians will bear the responsibility for the good conduct, home studies and regular attendance of their wards. Insubordination, contempt of authority, harmful conduct, irregular attendance, leaving the school premises without permission, lack of punctuality, unsatisfactory progress in studies, dishonesty etc., are sufficient reasons for removing a student from the school rolls.
- Fund collections, for whatever purpose, require the Principal’s sanction and all account of the same must be handed over to the Principal.
- No certificate of any kind will be given without a written application from the parent/guardian. The application should be handed over at the School office at least 3 days before the date on which the Certificate is required. An additional sum of Rs. 100/- will be payable for any certificate issued after five years from the date of leaving the institution.
- No pupil will be called to answer phone calls during class hours.
- Before withdrawing a student from the school, a notice of withdrawal in writing is to be given one month in advance by the parent or guardian. A month’s fee is to be paid if no notice of withdrawal is given.
- A Transfer Certificate or any other document will be issued only if all the dues of fees have been paid and all library books returned.
- When a child has once been withdrawn, the admission fee must be paid again on readmission.