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St. Mary’s Convent Sr. Sec. School


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St. Mary’s Convent Sr. Sec. School, Teetardi

Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi, Affiliation No. 1730277

Exams, Promotions and Reports

  • Any use of unfair means of receiving or giving assistance in any form during a Test or an Examination will be a punishable offence.
  • No Re-Test / Re-Examination is held for a student who fails to appear for the test / Examination. Such an absence without a grave reason and without the approval of the Principal implies no promotion to the next class.
  • Children who miss the Periodic tests (P.T.) or other examinations will not be tested at any other time.
  • The academic progress or weakness of each child will be indicated regularly in the progress Report Card.
  • Promotions are decided with the teachers concerned and due consideration is given to each student. Hence results are final and cannot be re-considered.
  • There will be two Academic terms for a scholastic year . The first term will be from April to Sept. and the second will be from Oct. to March. Promotion is based on the day to day work of student throughout the year and also on the performance in the Terminal Examinations.
For class XI – XII Examinations

Unit Test
Half Yearly
Final Exam

 Practical Examinations (Term/Board)

  • Promotion for the students in class XI science and commerce is granted on the basis of regular exams taken throughout the session.
  • Minimum 90% attendance is required to qualify for appearing in the examinations. Board promotion policy will be followed strictly.
  • In class XI Supplementary Exam will be taken for only one subject.
  • The Principal is the final judge of a student’s promotion for next class.
  • Any irregularity detected during or subsequent to an examination is punishable with expulsion from the examination hall and to further action at the Principal’s discretion. The answer paper of such a student will not be assessed.
  • Children who are ill should not be sent to school to school to take the tests.
  • The presence of the student at these Examinations is very important. If a student is unable to be present for health reasons, he/she must submit a medical certificate, failing which he/she would be considered present as far as the tabulation of marks is concerned.
  • If a student is prevented by illness from appearing for an Examination he/she will not be given another Examination. His/her promotion will be decided on the strength of his/her performance at other Examinations.
  • The minimum marks required for passing in each subject and the aggregate shall be 33%. A student is expected to pass in all the main subjects.
  • Absence at all the Periodic Tests and Half Yearly exams of the First Term may debar a student from appearing at the Second Term examinations.
  • No pupil will be permitted to appear for any examinations unless all dues have been remitted. These dues must be paid at least two weeks before the commencement of the examination.
  • Absence from one or more subjects involves the loss of grades for those subjects and excludes the student from being reckoned in the order of merit in the examination.
  • For sufficient reasons such as unsatisfactory progress in studies, insufficient attendance, serious misconduct etc., a pupil may be debarred from an examination.
  • 90 % attendance is compulsory to enable a student to sit for an Examination.
  • Promotion will be granted on the basis of the whole year’s work. Results once declared are final. Answer copies of the Annual Examinations will not be shown.
  • Scrutiny of results will be done on payment of Rs. 30/- per subject. This sum should be paid with an application. Time limit for application of scrutiny of result is 48 hours from the time of declaration of the results, after which no request will be entertained.
  •  Internal Assessment /Examinations:
  • Attendance in all the Internal Assessments and Practical Examinations will be compulsory for all the classes. No grade will be awarded if a student is absent in any of these Assessment/Examinations for any reason. The dates for these assessments are announced in short notice in the classes and the assessments will neither be taken before nor after the actual dates.
  • Checking of copies by the Principal will be done only on the prescribed day. No student should take leave without prior permission on that day. If a student falls ill on that day, any member of the family can bring his/her copies to school for checking on the same day. Copies will not be checked on any other day without Principal’s permission. Copies without Principal’s seal will not be awarded marks.
  •  In case of emergency, date of Oral Exams can be changed only if permission is obtained before or on the very day from the Principal, by submitting an application explaining the reason for it.