Principal’s Message
Education is a mission of love and it involves not only the intellectual, but the development of the whole person – body, mind, heart and the spirit. Education is a process in and by which the knowledge, character and behavior of the human beings are shaped and moulded.
Imam Ghazali said, “Education is a process which enables an individual to distinguish between the true and false, the good and bad, the right conduct and evil doing.” The process of education is not only self-realization of the individual but also to bring into action the potential in a person.
St. Mary’s at Teetardi, is committed to impart an educational experience which is rich, diverse and stimulating. Our curriculum is broad-based and balanced. The school seeks the holistic growth of the students by preparing them to meet the challenges of life in the modern world and making them responsible and contributing citizens.
I wish to remind all my students that there is no shortcut for success. It is always perspiration that brings success. Believe in yourself and in your capabilities. The success of anyone depends on the extent, one is able to bear with pain. I pray that all my students may succeed in all their endeavours. Let us keep striving for the best, for excellence in studies and all other training imparted or received. May you grow and develop as integrated persons with a sense of direction in life.
May God Bless All.